Superior Septic Services is ready for your septic repair in Snohomish. Despite intermittent cold weather days, spring is just around the corner. Depending on your location, some groundhogs saw their shadow on February 2nd, while others viewed gray skies and shadow-free landscapes. No matter how you count that last six weeks of winter, it is a certainty that freezing and thawing will take its toll on all sorts of plumbing.
Your septic tank is no exception. More importantly, as global temperatures rise, the rising ocean levels will have a profound effect on coastal septic systems. One of the effects will be that as the ocean levels rise, salt water pushed the fresh groundwater higher up in the ground. A clearance space of four feet between your septic system and the top of local groundwater. Three feet is required for more inland systems. When the rising tide, so to speak, pushes local groundwater higher, it comes closer to the drain fields intended to allow beneficial soil bacteria an opportunity to break down wastes before the water enters the general environmental system. When flooding occurs – as can happen during spring rain season – wastes that would normally be cleaned up by those happy little micro-bugs floats right on out into drinking water supplies and other environmental systems such as wetlands. Shallow systems are now being recommended. However, keeping older systems in good repair is also beneficial.
Superior Septic Services is ready for your septic repair in Snohomish and surrounding areas, just give us a call at (425)905-2485. We can’t change whether we have six more weeks of winter, or whether global warming will cause an increase in ocean levels, but we can help you with those needed springtime septic system repairs.