Superior Septic Service would like to emphasize the need for septic inspection in Lake Stevens – or any other location. Hardly a month seems to pass lately without septic tanks making the news – and not in a good way. Missing kids turn up in them, little old ladies out walking their dogs fall into abandoned ones. We would like to point out that it really isn’t all that hard to make your septic tank safe.
The best way to prevent accidents around or in your septic tank is to make sure that the structure has good integrity. Schedule regular inspections – once every three years is recommended – and watch for unusual amounts of water or unpleasant odors near the septic tank location. As part of the inspection, make sure that lids are in good condition and that they are fastened securely. Should the septic tank become ineffective, have the cavity filled in so that there is no possible chance of someone or something falling into it. With good maintenance, a septic tank can give many years of good service, without endangering humans, pets or the environment. The secret is to only flush down human waste and toilet paper – absolutely nothing else; and to get professional maintenance on an appropriate schedule.
Superior Septic Service has professionally trained workers who can conduct a septic inspection in Lake Stevens. Give us a call at (425)905-2485 if your septic system is due for official attention. We take your safety and that of your community very seriously – and we would like for your septic tank to be able to give to you many more years of reliable service – just as it was designed to do.