Superior Septic Service, LLC, would like to remind our customers to schedule their septic inspection in Everett. Not only is it good practice to get your home septic system inspected regularly, but it is also legally required.
Contracting with our company means that you are hiring an O&M provider who is licensed, insured and bonded. More than that, we have more than 24 years of experience in the business. We are fully qualified to provide your inspection, to pump out your septic tank if that is needed and to help with any necessary repairs. As you probably already know, gravity septic systems need to be inspected every three years; all other systems need to be inspected yearly. We will be glad to help you keep your home sanitation system compliant with county and state regulations, as well as in good repair and working order. As we have said many times before, good maintenance not only keeps your system working correctly, it is the responsible thing to do. A properly maintained septic system protects local groundwater and it helps to prevent the kinds of accidents that can occur when the lid or top of a septic tank has become weakened or damaged and need septic repair.
Superior Septic Service recommends that our customers schedule their septic inspection in Everett by calling (425)905-2485 for an appointment. Our highly qualified team can organize any maintenance that needs to be done in order for your system to pass inspection. In those rare cases where a septic tank is damaged beyond repair, we can also make recommendations for alternative arrangements. We understand how vital a sanitation system is for your location, no matter how remote your location might be. We even have a small truck that can reach those out-of-the-way locations.