Superior Septic Services can take care of your septic inspection in Arlington. Septic inspections need to be done about once every three years. If your last inspection was long enough ago that you are not even sure where your septic tank is located, then it might be time to get it done. The official recommendation is to have one performed at least once every three years.
Septic systems aren’t something we sit around and spend a lot of time thinking about. But there is an amazing amount of literature about septic tanks and septic systems. One very useful book is the Septic System Owner’s Manual by Lloyd Kahn. Another is the Humanure Handbook by Joseph Jenkins, a humorous approach to learning about and developing personal waste management for remote and unimproved regions. Jenkins book is often a companion to the classic manual of home waste management, the Toilet Papers by Sim Van Der Ryn. Of course, when considering books about septic systems, one absolutely must read the classic, The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank, by Erma Bombeck, which has very little to do with septic tanks (other than the difficulty of locating one if it was not marked) and a lot to do with suburban living, family life and aging.
When developing a home waste disposal system, homeowners need to consider regulations before installing alternative management systems. These are often based upon information from geological surveys and are designed to protect waterways. Superior Septic services can help you with your septic inspection in Arlington. Just give us a call at (425)905-2485; we’ll be glad to help you look for that greener grass over your septic tank, and to check it to make sure it is working properly.