Superior Septic Services is available for winter septic service near Snohomish. There is no season for working plumbing, in the sense that it is an essential household function. While it is usually one that operates quietly behind the scenes, it is no fun when it brings itself to your attention.
Winter brings some restrictions on what is possible to help your home septic system. For that reason, we’d like to suggest some ways to help keep your disposal system working correctly. You’ve probably heard all these things before, but it doesn’t hurt to repeat them. Some of you out there might be new householders who are unaware of how septic tanks work.
Only bodily wastes and appropriate sanitary tissue should be flushed. Feminine products, diaper liners, and premoistened towelettes do not biodegrade well. They can clog lines and fill up your tank quickly.
Keep grease out of your drain lines. Frying hamburgers, chicken, potatoes and more create an oily waste. It is tempting to pour it down the drain. It coats the sides of your drain lines and it can mix with those other things you shouldn’t flush to make an indigestible mass in your septic tank.
Run warm water into your septic tank in winter. Showers, dishwashing, and general cleaning should be enough. The bacteria in your tank are living creatures. They don’t like the cold.
Avoid harsh chemicals. Those can kill your septic tank bacteria.
Start a compost bin in your kitchen or on your patio. Raise some earthworms. Ground food particles from your in-sink garbage disposal do biodegrade, but they can clog lines and help fill up your septic tank.
Call Superior Septic Services at (425)905-2485 for your septic service near Snohomish. We hope that all of you are enjoying a festive holiday season of well-behaved plumbing.
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