Septic tanks are prone to disaster, but only if they are ignored! A reliable company such as Superior Septic, offers Snohomish County Septic Pumping Services, and it will save you time and money by keeping your tank in working order at all times. Without proper maintenance your septic system will eventually fail and back up, creating a disgusting mess out of your yard. Not only does it smell terrible, it’s unsanitary and jeopardizes the health of you and your family. Just imagine, the neighbors who border your property will see years of feces backing up in your yard! Run-off can occur, carrying your sewage away to pollute unsuspecting people—kids included.
Here are a few things you should know if you have a septic system so that you can keep you and your family safe.
Pump Regularly
Once every 1-3 years, have a professional company out to check your septic tank. They will be able to gauge how far off your next pump should occur. Ignoring your tank will always end in a leak.
When your underground septic tank becomes full of waste, it will start to seep out and up into your yard. Before anyone notices this waste could have time to get mixed in with your pool or grass, putting everyone at risk for toxic exposures.
Tips Between Pumps
If your septic system is working properly and you are getting regular septic inspections conducted on it, you are more than halfway there to a worry-free septic system. Here are a few extra tips to keep in mind:
Septic pumping is much more sensitive than traditional plumbing systems—the items you might normally toss down the toilet will create blockage and potential problems with septic. Only flush the bare minimum– waste and toilet paper. Flushing anything else, such as sanitary napkins, pet waste, medications, toxic substances or anything grease-based, is asking for trouble.
Anything you put down your garbage disposal is going to septic tank as well, because of this use it sparingly and with good judgment. You don’t want to put down anything that could create a backup.
In order to keep your septic tank free of damage, try not to drive cars or heavy machinery over its location.
Plant your trees at least 30 feet away from the septic tank, otherwise the roots will grow into the tank and create problems.
Here to save you time, money, hassle and even some embarrassment, allow Snohomish County Septic Pumping to tackle your septic problems before they arise. Contact us at 425-905-2485 or by clicking Here.