Superior Septic Services would like to discuss the value of septic pumping in Monroe. Septic pumping can be used to prolong the useful life of household septic disposal systems, and assist with moving potentially hazardous wastes to an appropriate destination.
Septic tanks work by separating out solid wastes from liquid and using biological means to “digest” or encourage deterioration of solids. A healthy septic tank has a good supply of bacteria that is busy breaking down the solids into smaller parts. But sometimes, no matter how careful the household, a septic tank’s solids partition fills up. That is when pumping can be used to remove the solid waste, taking it to a larger facility. This is beneficial to your family and to others. Considerations of appropriate waste disposal is relatively new – in some areas, being in effect as recently as the late 1800s. Some awareness existed in large metropolitan areas, such as London, as early as the 1300s when street sweepers were hired to rake human (and other) wastes out of the gutters. “Honey wagons” hauled away refuse. Plumbing type solutions and awareness of disposal in a manner that does not pollute waterways is a very modern concept. Septic pumping of home disposal systems is part of that newer concept.
Superior Septic Services would like to discuss the value of septic pumping in Monroe, call us at (425)905-2485 to learn more. Septic pumping can prolong the life of your home sanitation system, and it is the environmentally responsible approach to helping maintain environmental health for your household and for others. Septic tanks are a fairly modern concept and we are still working out the attendant responsibilities. Let us help you with your home sanitation system.