Locate and Dig
- If you don’t know where your septic tank/cesspool is located and you do not have an As-built plan for your system, a plan can be obtained from your town’s board of health.
- When digging, a tarp is used. The dirt is placed on the tarp instead of on your lawn.
Intial Observation
- When the cover to the tank is removed, the technician observes the tank’s level to see if it is at its proper “working level.”
- The top layer of septic in your tank/cesspool is called scum and solids. This top layer is roughly measured when the hose is inserted for pumping.
- All contents of the tank/cesspool (solids, scum, effluent and sludge) will be pumped out . The bottom of the tank/cesspool will be cleaned using a garden hose if one is made available by the customer.
- The garden hose is also used to rinse out the pump hoses to prevent septic from getting on the lawn.
Final Assessment
- Once the tank/cesspool is clean, a mirror and a flashlight are used to check the inlet and outlet tees to be sure all components are in place.
- If the tank level was low upon initial inspection, the technician will check for tank leakage.
- The customer will be asked to flush a toilet to be sure the main line is clear and water reaches the tank.
OUTLET/INLET BAFFLE REPAIR: the Inlet Baffle is located on the house side of the tank. This is where water comes from the house and pours into the tank. The top opening of the tee that you see in the picture should not be covered by solids, scum or water. The top of the tee will be visible if the effluent is at a normal level.