Superior Septic is asking that all-important question about time for septic pumping in Everett. Spring and early summer can reveal all sorts of things that were hidden in the winter, such as bad odors, standing water in the leech field or water backing up into your sink or toilet. None of these are pleasant.
We can help you head those off before they happen. One of the ways is to pump out your septic tank if it has become too full. Septic tanks are designed so that the solids are captured in a container while fluids are drained off to a leech field where they can be filtered naturally by percolating through gravel or soil. The solids are reduced through bacterial action inside the tank. However, if the biological processing gets out of balance in your tank, pumping could be the only answer for getting things going properly again. Although there are many products on the market that promise to improve your septic tank’s ability to process waste, these are largely ineffective and can actually harm your septic process. However, even if you are doing everything right and your septic tank is in good repair and working properly, eventually it will fill up. At that point, it really is time to get it pumped out.
Call Superior Septic at (425)905-2485 if you believe it is time for septic pumping in Everett. We can check your system, take care of inspections and pump out that over-full tank. We even have a smaller pump truck for use in those remote areas where a big one is going to have trouble getting to the tank that is in need of being pumped out. We’ll have your system back in shape for summer before you know it.