Of course you know that Superior Septic Services can help with your septic repair in Everett, and with inspections. But did you know that you can schedule your repair visit from the Septic Now website?
If you did not, do take a minute to visit the website and take a look at the scheduling tool. Here, you can enter your address, phone number, and select the non-emergency problem that you are seeing with your septic system. Please allow two days for contact when using this tool. You will, however, receive a confirmation page upon submitting the form; you will also receive a telephone call 24 hours before your scheduled service. Should you not receive a confirmation, or if you need service right away, or even if you are just more comfortable talking to a live person, be sure to go ahead and give us a telephone call. At Superior Septic Service, LLC, we make the safety and proper function of your septic system our priority. Therefore, we maintain as many ways as possible for you to contact us for routine maintenance and repairs and for emergencies. We cannot over-emphasize how important it is to maintain a septic system in good working order.
By maintaining a variety of ways for you to contact us, we make it convenient for you to schedule your septic repair in Everett, or to schedule your three-year check-up for your septic system. We can help you locate your septic system or inspect one on property you are considering for purchase. Our trained specialists are happy to set up an appointment with you to take care of your septic repair and maintenance needs. So give us a call at (425)905-2485, use the scheduling tool or even use the contact form. We also do new installations.