Superior Septic Service is available for Septic Pumping in Arlington. We know that even the most well-regulated septic tank eventually needs pumping. We have the equipment and the trained personnel to take care of the job.
Septic pumping isn’t anything new. Years ago, when small country school houses were a normal part of any community landscape, each one was accompanied by two little houses that sat on the edge of the school property – one for boys and one for girls. They sat a nice distance from each other so that the instructors would not have to spend too much time making sure that the genders didn’t spy on each other. At the end of each school year, a pump truck would come by and pump out the holding pit beneath the little buildings. During the summer, the pit would be treated with lime and the little house itself would get a nice, fresh coat of whitewash. Septic systems are not quite that simple these days, but a septic tank works on a very similar principle. Even the earth closets, such as the Clivus-Multrum composting toilets require maintenance that includes removal of waste. Pumping removes the solid matter from your septic tank, making room for a new collection of waste. Technicians can easily carry out inspections at the same time, getting two jobs done at once.
At Superior Septic we understand the need for more modern approaches, and we are available for septic pumping in Arlington, or helping you make it through if the weather is too cold to work on your facilities. If you need this kind of help, give us a call at (425)905-2485 to get your septic tank pumped today.